Services that support MAC and our Stakeholders
Malgana has gone through a significant period of growth. Through this, we are now able to deliver meaningful services that support the Corporation’s foundations and the contributes to the delivery of our strategic objectives.
These services support long term cultural, social and economic outcomes for the Corporation and the Malgana community.
The delivery of these services is a vital part of building a sustainable Corporation now and into the future. We are appreciative of the collaborative partnerships that have and continue to support us in being able to deliver these important projects and services.

Cultural Heritage
The Determination Area is home to places of special spiritual significance to the Malgana people, in particular the burial places of the old people, whose spirits still inhabit Malgana country today.
Stakeholders wishing to do work on Malgana country, should firstly consult with the Malgana Aboriginal Corporation.

Our Aboriginal Ranger Program is something that the Members and Corporation are incredibly proud of. This is because it not only provides a means for caring for country itself but also gets our people back on and connected to country.
Our Rangers work on a variety of land and sea activities including seagrass restoration, land rehabilitation, research projects and much more.

Cultural Awareness Training
Ensuring those who are engaging with Malgana or are on Malgana country have the opportunity to have the cultural and spiritual awareness of our country and people is our responsibility as the Traditional Owners of our country (Gathaagudu). We are currently working on developing a Cultural Awareness Training package. Please get in touch if this is something you are interested once it becomes available to deliver.